Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 451
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I woke up in a joyful mood, after hunting with Tihana on the previous day. I knew that I need to be around since the scientists will be visiting us, but since I had no idea when I took my time in the morning.

I took a long shower, and then even cooked a simple meal for myself. It was kinda experimental since most of the stuff I had was canned, or dry, but I somehow made it edible. Then I focused on something that should have been done already some time ago, which was, putting some barriers around my place to protect it from intrusion.

I spend few hours outside on that since I wanted it to be done well. Just as I was about to finish, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

- Good morning Peter - said Blue. - Do you have a moment, or should I come later?

I turned slowly, as I recognized him immediately.

- What do you want?

- To talk.

I snorted.

- I don't need to talk with you. I don't have enough bullshit in my life without your lies.

- There will be no bullshit today.

- Like I would believe you.

,m He took a deep breath.

- Very well then. Maybe we will talk some other time then - he said and turned around to leave.

I don't know why I reacted how I did but it happened.

- Stop. Fine, let's talk.

As he turned around again, to face me, I made an inviting gesture and even opened the door to my house using 'Telekinesis'. He nodded, and went inside, with me following him. I closed the door behind us.

- Kitchen is to the left - I informed him.

So he went straight thede and picked a chair for himself to sit on.

- So?

- So I came to say I'm giving up. For real this time. No truce, no lies, just capitulation. I want to make my group official, we will be calling ourselves The Blue Group, and I, obviously will keep my position in the council, but I will no longer try and pull some shenanigans behind your backs.

- And you expect me to believe that?

- No. I just wanted you to know. You see... I have thought about you as my rival for quite a long time now. This is very ironic because, in the beginning, I thought you are just a random nobody that brought me my long-awaited opportunity to take over Zhang Yong. Sou see... My father is a very wealthy man. An owner of Ao Tsuki Group. He sent me to the best schools in the country, and I've always done my best there. I graduated on top of my class all the way to the University of Tokyo. Then I started working for him, but I never was good enough.

He snorted, clearly angry, which surprised me.

- It was not my fault. He was just stupid. He couldn't see the genius in my actions, in my ideas! When I ended up here, in a world ripe for the taking, I did what I could to rule over it. Because that's what I thought I was destined for. And then you showed up, at first as a blessing, but then as a nightmare.

- You were a thorn in my ass too. For quite a while.

My words made him smile.

- I still have no idea how you managed to achieve this... you were so pathetic, so weak, and you never gave up. I couldn't understand it. you made those stupid alliances that only dragged you down, and yet I was the one to lose. When we learned that there is a way back to earth I immediately thought that I can open a path to Japan, and made a deal with my government to seize the whole place, but that dog of yours, Daniel, kept watching my every move. I couldn't get enough votes, and then you stopped me when I tried my last hail mary attempt to win.

- You got what you deserved.

- Maybe. Maybe not, but the thing is, I'm just tired of trying, of planning and thinking... I give up. That's it. That's all I wanted to say.

- I still don't believe you.

- Oh, I hope you won't. I hope you will lose at least a couple of nights of sleep thinking about what I'm really up to - he smiled at me.

- Or I could just kill you right here, and right now.

- Yes you could, but you won't. Right now I'm just like a silly little bird that sometimes steals your cat's food. I'm not a threat. Nobody is. You could take this whole city on, and probably not break a sweat. I've heard of the army of shadows, and other things, including your fire magic. And this is not even the most important reason. The game-changer is, you know that even if I know I can't have this toy for myself - he spread his arms wide, indicating the whole city - I won't let anybody else have it either. Not India, not America, nobody. You need that since you don't want to take care of it yourself.

- Oh, I did plenty of taking care.

- Using force is only the beginning. Now they will use other tactics. They will try to buy people, or even use democracy against us. They will keep planting their people here. They have time. You need me to keep watch.

- And to scheme behind my back?

He smiled.

- Think whatever you want - he said and left.

I let him. Why? Because there are two sayings. One is: keep your friends close, but enemies closer. The other one is: enemy of my enemy is my friend. Back then I was more concerned about the Earth's governments trying to mess with Ark, than silly little Blue, whom I could kill at any point right then.

Part of me was even happy. Not because of his declaration of surrender, because I was firmly believing it to be another lie, but I knew I can count on him to prevent India, America, and whoever else from meddling in our affairs.. That was something I was very sure of.

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