Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 481
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It was a day before the filming, and we had it free for preparation since the girls actually didn't have proper clothes to appear on TV.

They vanished early, so I and Vikram Kaur were left alone. I probably wouldn't even know, if not for Tihana who popped into my room, to ask for some money. I just gave her my card.

My assistant tried to get me outside, to see the city, but I didn't want to. I could do this with a nice girl, my mother or Tihana and Ki'ray, but not with another dude.

Instead, we went to the hotel terrace, to enjoy a cup of coffee and a piece of cake while listening to the sound of the sea.

It was a lovely place with small squared tables, and chairs, all black. Not too big, surrounded by a short wall, with plants. You could hear the seagulls crying in the distance. Some of them even were circling above us.

- Maybe we should join them? I could call the driver - proposed Vikram.

He took off his jacket, and put it over the back support of the chair, and even rolled the sleeves of his shirt. It was simply hot outside.

For him, not for me, since my skills made me completely indifferent to such things.

- There is a reason why they sneaked out this early. They want to shock us with their outfits. Especially Sudarshana, after I did the same thing to her yesterday. Well, at least that's what Tihana indicated when she came this morning to get the money.

- Right... How was your dinner, by the way? - He smiled a little but tried his best to hide it.

- We talked, and then we went to our rooms. Nothing happened.

- Maybe that's for the better? She is a nice girl. Smart, beautiful. Wife material. You already have good chemistry, so taking it slowly might lead to a more stable, and stronger relationship.

- Wow... When did you change from a scared boy to a man giving me relationship advice?

- I just got to know you better - he said with a smile.

I sighed.

- I don't know if I'm ready for a serious relationship.

- I know about the girl you loved, who died - he confessed. - I don't know how hard it is, to overcome such a thing, but you shouldn't allow chances for happiness to pass you by because of the past.

- Are you taking some philosophy lessons, or what? What the heck happened here, huh?

He smiled again.

- I might not look like that, but I'm a father of two, and I have a lovely wife. Here, in Mumbai.

- You should introduce me one day.

- I will. I hope to move to Dwarka soon, so we can reunite. I'm from Delhi originally. We are selling our old place, to buy something there.

- You should have said something. I'm loaded with cash. All I need is to pop into a hunting ground, slap a monster in the face, and here you are, million bucks.

- No, no, no. I can't accept your money.

I sighed.

- You are so annoying Vikram.

He laughed awkwardly.

- I'll work for my own money, as I did throughout my whole life. I'm an honest person - he said.

- How about you will be an honest person in a house with your family, in Dwarka?

- Thank you, Peter, but no. We will sell our old place, and then we will move. There is no need for your help, but thank you for the offer.

- Ok, whatever you say.

We spent a few more hours there, then I went to take a nap, and somehow it became dinner time. The girls returned shortly afterward when the two of us were in the middle of eating. They all were happy and wearing different clothes.

Sudarshana had a long, and delicate dress in the color of seawater, with a long white scarf. Tihana on the other hand was wearing a black skirt, burgundy-colored sweater, with a black beret, military boots, and dark knee-high socks.

Ki'rai, which completely took me off guard, had a suit on with a bow tie.

- So, what do you think? - asked the linguist and spun around to show herself off.

- Good - I said. - You all look amazing.

Since the table was reserved for more people, there were chairs already prepared. Tihana just sat on one, without talking. My little lizard did the same.

- Waiter! - said Vikram.

Somebody came, and they all got their cards, to quickly order something to eat.

- Are you happy? - I asked, when they were done, and finally sitting.

- Yes - said KI'rai. - I bought seven of those.

She puffed her chest.

- We got a nice haul - agreed Tihana. - I never thought shopping can be this fun.

- With my money it for sure was.

- That was a nice gesture, dad.

- How much did you spend.

She just laughed and avoided looking at me. I noticed her taking a peek at Sudarshana, with panic written all over her face.

- She needed new clothes - said miss Patel, coming to the rescue. - I made sure she wouldn't go crazy.

- Yeah... Whatever you say. If I check my account, and there is one zero missing in the member, you are grounded for life. I'm gonna sell your organs, to get the money back.

- Wow, dad. That's dark even for you.

- What's dark is your future if that zero is not there.

- Calm down, Peter. We didn't spend that much - said Sudarshana.

- That's something I'm gonna verify. Very soon.

- You are like a happy family - said Vikram with a smile.

- Silence, or I'll ground you too - I replied to his words.

- Wow, our family is getting bigger, and bigger. Hi bro - Tihana said to him.

The conversation quickly became nonsense talk, and I learned that my fake daughter spend only a few thousand dollars. It was still a lot, but not as much as I was afraid she could go for.

She bought tons of clothes. Thanks to Sudarshana nothing with a ridiculous price based on the brand's name.

That's how this lazy day passed for me.

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