Chapter 742 New Eggs
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Chapter 742 New Eggs

As dawn broke, a semblance of normalcy replaced the grim tableau of the previous night.

June and Erik cleaned the bathroom and disposed of Terrence's body. They returned the apartment to its original state.

Erik and June found themselves in the kitchen, their bodies craving sustenance after the arduous task.

The fridge was a sad representation of the life Terrence lived. Terrence had filled it with alcohol and had little food within.

It seemed the man preferred liquid sustenance over solid meals. They scrounged up enough food to sate their hunger.

They feasted on leftover pasta, cold cuts, and a few slices of stale bread. The meal was far from gourmet, but after the grueling night, it tasted like a feast.

Erik reached for a bottle of whiskey, his hand pausing mid-air. He glanced at June, who shrugged in response. With a sigh, Erik grabbed the bottle and poured two glasses.

The amber liquid sloshed into the glasses, the powerful scent filling the kitchen.

Erik didn't really like alcohol, but the recent events made him consider trying again.

They raised their glasses in a silent toast before downing the fiery liquid.

It burned its way down their throats, igniting a warmth that spread through their bodies.

Erik swirled the remnants of the whiskey in his glass, his face twisting into a grimace.

"I did the right thing by avoiding this shit. I never understood people who drink this."

With a swift motion, he tossed the remaining liquid into the sink; the droplets splattering against the stainless steel. The sharp scent of the whiskey lingering in the air.

June, however, was looking at his own glass with a contemplative expression.

He took another slow sip, savoring the burn of the whiskey as it slid down his throat. "I think it's an acquired taste," he said, his voice thoughtful.

Erik raised an eyebrow at him, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes. "You actually like it?"

June shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "Maybe." He took another sip of the fiery liquid. "It's not so bad once you get past the initial burn."

Erik shook his head, a small chuckle escaping his lips. Despite being clones, they were indeed different in their own ways. And it looked like their taste in beverages was one of those differences.

With their bellies full and their bodies weary, Erik and June retreated to their respective rooms.

The plush beds were a welcome sight after the hard floor they'd been accustomed to. They sank into the soft mattresses, their bodies instantly relaxing.

Erik closed his eyes, his mind replaying the events of the night. Despite the gruesome task, there was a sense of accomplishment. They were one step closer to their goal. With that thought, he drifted off to sleep.

June, too, found sleep, claiming him quickly. His body was tired, but his mind was at ease. They'd done what they had to do. And they would continue to do so until their mission was complete.


When they woke up the next day, they felt rested and rejuvenated. The grim task of the previous night seemed like a distant memory as they moved around the apartment, preparing for the day ahead.

Erik was in a silent corner, his attention absorbed by the task at hand.

Spread out before him were thirty eggs, each one a delicate, soon-to-be life. These were no breakfast ingredients but the results of his brain crystal powers over the table.

June observed from a distance, his eyes following Erik's movements. The sight was both fascinating and unsettling.

"Are you sure it's okay to make clones here?" The clone's tone revealed his unease. "That means we'd need to stay in the city for a month and a half, at least."

Erik paused, his hands stilling over the eggs. He turned to face June, his expression serious but calm.

"It's okay. We have a lot of ground to cover, many people to find. In the meantime, we can stir up some trouble with the local mercenary guild and even the Crystal Cross Gang."

At the mention of the gang, June's eyebrows furrowed.

"Do you think they're here, too?"

Erik nodded, his gaze returning to the eggs before him. "It's likely," he said.

"Since both the mercenary guild and the Crystal Cross Gang work for the Blackguards, it is likely. "

June's gaze hardened. His hands clenched at his sides, knuckles turning white.

He remained silent for a few heartbeats. "If you're sure about this," he said, his voice steady but carrying an undertone of worry, "then I have no right to object to our stay."

Erik simply gave him a small nod of appreciation, his expression unreadable.

His attention returned to the eggs laid out before him, his hands resuming their meticulous work. "Once the eggs hatch, though," he said, "I'll need you to take care of them."

"You want me to manage thirty kids at once?" The tone of his voice reflected the hard task Erik was assigning him.

Erik's look was apologetic. "I'm afraid so. It's important that you keep them quiet and explain to them why."

June tilted his head, a frown creasing his forehead. "I don't know if I can do that. They will listen to you, but me? I don't think so. Shouldn't you tell them that?"

Erik sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I will tell them something, but I can't make sure they will do so. You have to make sure they do. Their kid phase won't last long."

Erik turned again to look at the clone, his gaze meeting his. "The clones will mature rapidly and they'll be as smart as us in no time. They'll need to understand the situation they're in, and why they must remain silent."

June took a deep breath. It was a lot to take in, a lot to do. He nodded after a moment, determination replacing the surprise in his eyes.

"Alright," he said, his voice firm. "I'll do it."

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