Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 162: Easy to Destroy, Hard to Build
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Chapter 162: Easy to Destroy, Hard to Build

I start off my scan at a very weak level, to determine a general sliding scale of goodness across the millions of souls here, placing them according to their alignment. While the scan is general, it is using the same type of metrics from my scan I used with the rats. One that considers a vast variety of factors to make a decision.

Since time passes differently in this space, I spent what feels like a month doing this mind-numbing work. Outside of the soul space, not even 5 minutes have passed.

For many cultivators, reaching this space is a treasure trove because of this ability. Its not meant for Qi cultivation, but more for comprehension of techniques and practice.

Reaching this space is a once in a lifetime opportunity, for some. For me, its even better, as I can use the space to conduct my scans over a long period of time.

I will be able to reach this space again, but I at least need to be at the beginning of the core formation stage to do it without a stimulus. That Is where the first interactions with the soul begin on ones cultivation journey.

The only reason I could reach it now is because of the strength of my soul space and the attack of that nascent soul cultivator, who forced my soul into defense mode. And he only did it, because its easier to take over if the owner is there and he was in a vulnerable state.

I feel like my presence here is blocking some kind of automated defense that is natural to soul spaces. Which is part of the reason that a demonic cultivator would induce this. Considering what my soul form is already like it makes me wonder how strong it actually is.

With thoughts like these filling my mind, I end up having to clear my mind and focus on the results of the scan, because of the sheer amount of people Im going through.

Even though it is easy to say a month has passed, a month of doing nothing but focusing on data collection and sorting is the most boring thing Ive ever done in my life.

No sleep.

No eating or drinking.

Just this.

Constantly. With no way to determine how much time passed except my scan, which I checked far too often.

Not only that, but it was literally worse than watching paint dry, as I had to also sit there and resist the enticement/distraction of these creatures with truly massive assets, who were actively and passively teasing me.

Getting close and jiggling on purpose first, and then just from their normal moving around. Some of them even played around with each other to pass the time.

I dont know about others back on Earth, but I most definitely masturbated. Even in my enhance body and this soul space, those urges remain. I just had no time or privacy to consider it.

Now, with nothing to do, I had to just resist the temptation with no distractions.

For a month.

Where no one would know what Ive done with them, if I gave in.

If not for my scan warning how bad an idea it would be (at this point in time), I would have long given in.

With that said, the whole time they indulged in devouring the qi and other various aspects of the soul space. Which helped in resisting.

There was also the matter of the environment of my soul space being vastly changed after all the evil influences were gone.

My space, that was once an empty void, has now become a swamp biome.

The whole area that once was the bloody swamp, originally created by the (now) devoured cultivator, was turned into a normal swamp once the blood mist went away. The blood became water; the tentacles became trees. Patches of greenery are springing up where different creatures were devoured, the residual energy/curses/qi turning to plant-like life.

The place where the cultivator died is the largest patch of this, being actual land with a layer of moss and trees all around. With my strong internal vision, I can see the slight shifting of moss growing. Any deeper attempts to view this fail.

Not only that, but in places where tears formed in the soul space, have had the trees grow into their space, no matter how high or low. If high, it grew up. If low, its roots dived into seemingly endless waters.

Even the mysterious energy from before is still there, but seems to have changed in intent and form, becoming a fog layer of sorts over the swamp.

The when bloody, the swamp grew into a rapidly cascading death machine. Now? It appears to be doing the same, but at a much more benign and slower pace.

I originally thought all of this would disappear, but the healing aura/constitutions abilities removed the negative aspects and kept the positive ones.

However, what all of these changes actually mean and will do eludes me, as my preliminary scan pulled up, that I would have another mind rending headache if I even attempted a scan. As this is still secret knowledge.

To put that in perspective, my scan is at its strongest right now. If it is still giving me issues, then that is quite the dangerous information. I managed to pull up a hint that Ill be able to dive into this deeper by the time I can come here normally, not in defense mode.

The Bie You Lings reaction to this was to immediately beg me to let them stay, offering everything they owned and are, to do so. They even put forth having their great grandchildren come to stay here and become my servants from a young age, if they themselves did not fit what I was looking for.

With the knowledge of their nature, I feel very reticent about this. However, they are a mostly neutral species, generally tending to both good and evil actions, not unlike humans.

So, Im willing to give them a chance.

I let them know I will decide after we complete what I wanted to here. They immediately shut their mouths and tried to give their best sides to me. Keeping a sharp eye on what I might want and need.

In order to maintain my concentration and prevent any interference, I moved far away from the swamp area.

The time working on this scan eventually passed, and I had my spectrum made of people, with a general spectrum of morals. Anyone on the very evil side (as the cultivator stole not only good souls), I allowed the Bie You Ling to devour. These were the truly evil people who had no wish or future as a good person.

With that said, there is always a chance one of them could turn their life around.

A chance I wasnt willing to take.

Nonetheless, this hurt me to do, coming from a particular American background of forgiveness and giving an opportunity to become better.

The screams and cries as people were eaten were an easy reminder of the consequences of my decision. There were even children that had become twisted.

The creatures doing the devouring were happy to eat either way. Whether good or evil. It was a great reminder of their true nature.

Though, am I much better? Offering those up to be devoured?

A leader takes responsibility for the path he sets his team upon.

In terms of the amounts left on the evil side, there werent comparatively that much. But that was only because of the sheer amount on the good side.

Specifically, infant children.

That cultivation monster devoured almost countless children.

Beside me, the Bie You Ling smacked their mouths out of the potential of finishing off these kids. Unconsciously, I shied away from them. They noticed this and stopped their actions, not wanting to further offend me.

For those closer to the neutral section, I give more of a chance. If my scan shows I truly wouldnt think they can or would be redeemed, I give them to the women creatures to be eaten. Unfortunately, there were some young people included in this.

My eyes grow dimmer with each scream and crunch.

When I finally got to the neutral section, I didnt have the heart to allow any others to be eaten. Even if they might tend to evil later.

With the ones Im willing to heal up, I healed each of their psychological issues, but not physical ones. This way they have the presence of mind to speak, but not to overwhelm me if something went vastly wrong.

At their current strength, I could pretty easily defeat them all. They would be like a candle against steel. Not enough.

That wouldnt be the case if I healed them to full.

I gave each of the souls a simple choice. They can grow stronger with me, pass on their knowledge, and potentially live a new life. Or, they could pass on to the next life, free to go healed.

Something to keep in mind, these people have been getting tortured in the evil cultivators soul space for hundreds of years. Of real time.

In the soul space, time varies but still moves extremely slowly compared to real time, so some have been tortured over a hundred times over that amount.

Even if I healed them psychologically, that doesnt mean they want to experience life again.

Unfortunately, that is exactly the case.

For every. Single. One.

Whether it is the nascent soul monsters or babies torn from the womb.

And I cant blame them. They have been tortured for so long.

Their minds were lost until I healed them. And even now, if my healing stopped, they would fall back into madness. Even revisiting parts of their life and cultivation seem to bring them back into it, even with healing.

Im getting closer to where my healing can permanently heal such mental issues and optimize them to the highest point. But Im not there yet.

And having seen what theyve gone through, I let them pass on without suffering any further.

But Im treated to something that I never thought I would see.

The souls of the people wink out of my soul space, like lights from a Christmas tree turning out. But just before it happens, I see the slightest light behind them. It gives off a feeling of safety.

And then its over.

Except for five individuals who appear to be struggling to stay. They all look like old men.

Theyre cultivators of varying strengths. Ones which are leaving as well, but seem to pull something from their pasts to bring on.

Each surge forward and if not for my scan, I would believe to be with hostile intent.

Floating through me, I feel information pour into me, as if from a jade slip.

Immediately after, they disappear into light as well.

These guys Every one of them.

Theyve given me even more things to do!

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