Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 131 - The Disgraceful Actions of the Disgraced!
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Chapter 131 - The Disgraceful Actions of the Disgraced!

The tumult in the Chen Clan Soul Hall reached a fevered pitch, but a bellow from the man in golden armor at the center silenced the clamor. "Quiet!" The shout rang out with the power of a tiger's roar, making the very ground tremble in response. The noisy gossip instantly hushed, though grumbles of annoyance still danced in their minds.

"Chen Xi." The man in golden armor waved dismissively. "Your timing is off. Once the War of Immortals concludes, return. I'll discuss matters with your father and find you a place."

"You're mistaken. I've returned at the perfect moment." Chen Xi replied calmly, "I intend to participate in the War of Immortals." This proclamation sent a ripple of laughter through the hall.

The man clad in green armor chuckled, saying, "Dream on. You were banished from the Chen Clan in name. How can you represent us now? Wishing to embarrass us again? Over my dead body!"

"And ours!" Suddenly, everyone echoed in agreement.

Amid the rising tide of opposition, Chen Xi gracefully produced an War of Immortals jade token. "I've joined the Forbidden Tower of the Sword Realm. I'm a formal disciple. I will represent the Sword Realm in the war. What business is it of yours?"

The boisterous voices of the Chen Clan slowly faded. They exchanged uneasy glances.

"That's still unacceptable!" The man in green armor persisted, icy eyes fixed on Chen Xi. "You bear the Chen surname and our blood. If you show up at the Heavenly Realm's War of Immortals, any shame you bring is on the Chen Clan! Chen Xi, quit struggling. As long as Ye Xingchen exists, you'll never hold your head high. Accept your fate!"

The moment his words fell, Chen Xi's gaze snapped to him, her eyes blazing with fury.

She took a step forward, her white dress swirling like a storm. A surge of magic power erupted around her, manifesting as a fierce tiger-shaped tempest of lightning and fire, which crashed into the man in green armor!

With a deafening roar, the man clad in green armor was caught off guard. His face paled in an instant, and as he began to harness his magic power, it was instantly suppressed.

The tempest of lightning and fire struck him squarely, causing him to spit out a stream of dark blood. He was blown backward, crashing into a wall, where he slumped down like an overcooked shrimp!

"Fifth Uncle, you're as useless as they come," Chen Xi remarked with a raised brow and a cold, amused smile. "You can't even withstand a junior's magic attack. Do you really think you have a voice here?"

"Establishment Wind Fire Tribulation Realm?" The green-armored man struggled to his feet, his eyes bulging as he stared at Chen Xi. He spat out another mouthful of blood. The words sent a hush over the hall, and the many gathered faces turned a shade paler. They knew to keep their mouths shut.

"Enough," the man in golden armor mused, eyeing Chen Xi thoughtfully. "I'll inform your father and grant you permission to partake in the War of Immortals—but under the Forbidden Tower's name."

"I never intended to bring honor to the Chen Clan anyway," Chen Xi replied nonchalantly.

"Very well... The Dawn Pavilion remains yours. Since you're back, you might as well settle in," the golden-armored man sighed.

While murmurs arose from the crowd, they held their tongues. A young cultivator of the Establishment Wind Fire Tribulation Realm was indeed an invaluable asset. Were it not for her feud with Ye Xingchen, she would be wholeheartedly supported by the entire clan.

"One more thing," Chen Xi interjected suddenly.

"Speak," the golden-armored man responded.

"I expect my father to be prompt. By sunset today, I'll be getting married!" she announced.

"Married?" A collective gasp rippled through the crowd.

What on earth was she up to now?

"We have about three hours. Should be enough time to send out invitations across the Heavenly Realm, don't you think? My father is the Supreme Marshal of the Nine Heavens Immortal Army. You decide the scale and prestige of the wedding," she said, casually tearing a red cloth from the wall and holding it like a bridal veil. "As long as I have this, I'm good."

A stupefied silence followed, with everyone casting puzzled glances at the peculiar young woman.

"Stop this nonsense," the man in golden armor grumbled.

"I'm not joking," Chen Xi responded defiantly, her eyes blazing. "In this house, my father's word is law. If he doesn't object, you all best get on with it!"

"And who, pray tell, are you marrying?" the golden-armored man asked seriously.

Chen Xi turned and pointed at a handsome young man in white at the entrance.

Yun Xiao sighed internally, realizing there was no escaping this predicament. What on earth was her intention? He felt there must've been some deeper thought behind her actions.

Amidst the gazes of the crowd, Yun Xiao stated, "I object to this marriage."

"Your objection means nothing," Chen Xi retorted, "Once you enter the Chen Clan, there's no leaving."

Before Yun Xiao could add anything more, Chen Xi approached him, confidently taking his hand and introduced to the gathering, "Ladies and gentlemen, meet my soon-to-be husband, Yun Xiao. He hails from the Sword Realm and is a Sword Cultivator."

"A cultivator from the lower realms?" The man in the golden armor took another deep breath, his voice dipping low.


"And his cultivation level?"

"He's in the Early Sovereign Dragon Realm."

The crowd fell silent.

"She's acting up again."

"So willful!"

"She's been this bratty and disrespectful since she was a child. It's no wonder she faced such disgrace a year ago."

"Has she really gone unchecked all this time?"

The countless members of the Chen clan exchanged looks of shared dismay. Their hands were tied. The princess of the clan was spoiled beyond measure. And now, she had probably gone and poked the sky with her antics. A year apart and not a shred of remorse, instead, she'd become even more reckless!

"Remember," Chen Xi warned, "the ceremony is at dusk! If you miss the auspicious time, I'll hold the ceremony right outside the Chen Clan's main gates."

With that, she briskly walked away, hand in hand with Yun Xiao.

The Ancestral Temple of the Chen Clan remained silent for a long time. Finally, the crowd couldn't contain their whispers any longer.

"Now that she has reached the Establishment Wind Fire Tribulation Realm, she might have gained power, but why such a disgraceful attitude?"

"Do you think she's just trying to humiliate herself?"

"Exactly! Once upon a time, she was betrothed to a genius, a match of equals in both talent and beauty. But she, blind to his worth, rejected and insulted him. And now? She brings back some nobody from the lower realms and wants to marry him?"

What a scene the Chen Clan made, thought the heavens themselves might split with laughter.

"What would Ye Xingchen think of this spectacle? The Grand Temple? And the Ye Royal Family?" voices whispered.

"They'll laugh, of course!"

"She's brought this upon herself!"

"Ah, to think of our noble Clan King, the Supreme Marshal of the Nine Heavens Immortal Army, and yet he fathered such a shameless daughter...!"


At the Chen Heavenly Mansion, the Dawn Pavilion, the size of a lady's chamber there rivaled Yun Xiao's entire royal palace in the Cloud Nation. Expansive courtyards with mountains, waters, trees, and flowers.

A maiden in white stood motionless by the lake, while Yun Xiao leaned casually in the gazebo.

"Aren't you going to explain?" Yun Xiao probed.

"No need. I've requisitioned you," Chen Xi replied, not turning her gaze from the calm waters.

"Requisitioned?" A realization struck Yun Xiao, strengthening his suspicion that she must be the Divine Dawn Empress. Who else would use such a word so casually?

"I can promise you two things," Chen Xi began, "First, as long as I'm around, you won't die. Second, whatever resources you desire, they'll be yours."

"And why should I believe you?" Yun Xiao asked.

"I don't care if you do or don't," she retorted. Well, then! She's got spirit!

"Bro, stand up to her!" Blue Star whispered.

In a moment of high tension, Red Moon exclaimed, "Force her into the nurturing phase!"

"Quiet down." Yun Xiao cleared his throat, turning to Chen Xi and declared, "Let's get one thing straight. I may sell my talents, but not myself. Once our deal is done, I'll divorce you."

Chen Xi hesitated for a moment, then turned to glare at him, "What if I don't want to?"

Yun Xiao was left speechless.

Just then, he felt a sudden warmth behind him.

Whipping around, he found himself face to face with a man. Dressed in pristine white Immortal armor, the man resembled a pale, massive tiger. Yun Xiao had no idea when he had approached.

"Dad!" Chen Xi exclaimed.

The man in white armor glanced at her, his voice gentle yet imposing, "My dear daughter, are you sure you want to go through with this?"

"I am," Chen Xi affirmed.

The man's eyes, burning like two fierce suns, shifted to Yun Xiao, making him feel as if he were standing in the middle of a blazing furnace.

"Show me your Sword Soul," the man demanded.

Without hesitation, Yun Xiao raised his hand, releasing the Heaven Burial Sword Soul, aiming it straight for the man.

The man simply reached out, catching the blade with his fingers.

A sizzling sound filled the air, and smoke rose from his fingertips.

"Acceptable," he remarked, giving Yun Xiao a penetrating look. He then addressed Chen Xi, "Get dressed up. Tonight, I'll send out invitations far and wide, hosting the grandest wedding ceremony for you."

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