MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 89 An Alchemist
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Another player besides me somehow found his way into the library. His face was covered with a white cloak while he held a random tree branch. From the looks of it, he wasn't suited to battle dozens of well armed NPCs.

Whoosh... Whoosh...

A crowd of knives were immediately thrown towards his direction. I was about 50% sure he'd die, but the player got lucky, accidentally slipped and fell on his back avoiding all the projectiles which flew above his head.

Looking towards the guy I was a bit flabbergasted how lucky he was.

' Maybe I should help him? '

Contemplating about my options I casted a Lightning Bolt and put on my hood before throwing the spell towards the assassin rapidly approaching the fallen player.

" Escape! "

I shouted as loudly as I could, I hoped that my shout would reach the person and he'd escape. I wanted to minimize my chances of failing the quest and I didn't know if the player was powerful enough to kill an assassin, hence gave him a chance to escape. If he chooses not to use it, my next spell will be aimed for his head.


The assassin was impaled on the spot and I leveled up once again while the Player hearing my warning ran towards the door slamming them behind himself.

[ congratulation on reaching Lv. 4! ]

[ +20 SP ]

Putting all the SP into Intelligence I once again lowered my head avoiding another set of throwable knives.

' How many knives do they even have? '

Grumbling under my breath I stretched my back waiting for my Mana to regenerate. Looking towards my Status Screen I noticed that my shadow energy was completely full, hence summoned half a dozen of soldiers.

' Kill all of them! '

Giving my shadows a command I saw them squeezing through the small gaps in the wall and leaving the hidden room. Since they could change their form however they wanted it was not a problem for them to become small enough to fit through small gaps.

Not even peaking through the window I could hear the chaos happening in the library. Assassins were throwing knives everywhere, shouting and cursing while my shadows were mercilessly killing them one after the other.

Soon the whole library went quiet and the soldiers came back to my shadow after completing their assignment.

[ congratulation on reaching Lv. 5... Lv.6! ]

[+40 SP ]

My progress was so fast I almost wanted to send a picture of my level to Eric.

' I think he'd become even more fired up '

Shrugging my shoulders I left my hiding spot and started walking towards the library's exit. Since I was wearing a hood I quickly unequipped it and put on a smile. I recalled that there might be a player waiting for me on the other side of the door.

I was correct, leaning against the wall was the same player that slipped over nothing and fell, avoiding her death in such a clumsy manner.

Since I could now fully see her frame I knew she was a female, a fairy at that. Her two transparent butterfly wings were well hidden behind her cloak.

" What brings a fairy to the Demon Realm? "

I spoke while looking towards her face covered with a cloak. Her two brown eyes were staring directly into mine or rather above them. The Fairy was looking at my crown.

" Can I touch them? "

Like a child asking for a toy the player pointed towards my horns and pleaded while her eyes turned slightly watery.




" No "

I was momentarily stunned by her straightforwardness, but soon recovered, declining her request. Was I an exhibition one could touch? No!

Seeing that her pleading didn't work the fairy was momentarily stunned and at the same time disappointed.

" Pretty please? "

She attempted once again, but was debunked by my cold gaze.

" What brings a fairy to the Demon Realm? "

I repeated my question getting a surprised reaction out of her.

" How do you know I'm a fairy? "

She pouted while removing her hood. Her long black hair fell till the waist level while her beautiful face came into the light.

' Bingo! '

I thought, looking at the fairy before me. Long hair, brown eyes, is exploring the Demon Realm it has to be her!

" Are you Tia? "

My question made her eyes widen as she took a step backwards.

" Who are you? Who sent you? Are you a stalker? You look too handsome to be a stalker... " es to shove.

Although I was happy with her employment I had to take certain actions quickly. Since most of the assassins were killed I urged her to move through the forest, towards Culg city.

Since an alchemist needs equipment to concoct potions, one needs to have a permanent place or a rented place to install all of it.

I was planning to buy a three story house and use the third floor entirely for alchemy. The property would probably cost a lot, but it would be worth it in the long run.

As we were entering the city Tia saw many more demons and her eyes were constantly shifting from one to another person. Even though I acted oblivious I knew she was comparing my horns with the other demons'.

" How come your horns are like a crown? "

She whispered while we were moving through the crowd. We've talked quite a bit while going through the forest and Tia could now freely speak to me without any hesitation.

" My character was designed this way "

Shrugging my shoulders I directed my eyesight from one building to another searching for a suitable house.

As we were getting closer and closer to the house of mayor I noticed a certain rundown building with a sign 'Sale' placed onto its yard.

' I can work with that... '

Accessing the system I quickly got connected to the NPC owning the house and paid him 5,000 Gold for the property. In my inventory a set of keys appeared and gesturing to Tia I led her towards the house.

" I expected you to buy a palace... "

I could hear her giggling, but paid no mind to it. I was planning to pay for the house to be renovated.

Going through all the floors I made sure that there was enough space before stepping outside of the building.

Going through the system screen I found the Status of my newly bought property. It was regarded as too old and rundown, below it there was also an option [ Renovate ] with a number of Gold Coins below it.

Turning towards Tia I thought of a funny idea.

" Tia come closer and close your eyes "

I flashed a smile while my alchemist became beet red.

" What are you planning to do? "

From her flustered voice I understood how poor my wording was and just asked her to turn around before pressing the [ Renovate ] button.

Before my eyes the house started shattering into pieces and being reformed. I even saw some exterior items like couches being reshaped and somehow upgraded into a luxurious sofa.

As the building was finally done I turned around only to see Tia still looking away.

" Turn around! "

With a smile on my face I spoke gesturing towards the new house.

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