Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 249. Door 7
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Chapter 249. Door 7

Door 7 was right behind Door 6, and Charles found it rather quickly.

According to Tobba, Relic 319 was beyond Door 7. Charles slashed out at the door with his Dark Blade, but he was surprised to find that his efforts had only managed to create a long line on its surface.

It seemed the wall was sturdier than he initially thought. Charles had blasted his way into Laboratory 3, but he figured that Door 7 would remain steadfast even if he were to use the same amount of explosives he had used at the time.

Charles could feel his oxygen running out. He had to find a way to enter the door; otherwise, his efforts would all be for naught.

A stifled gunshot echoed after Charles had aimed it at the door lock behind and fired. His Dark Blade wasn't quite working, so he decided to use his flesh revolver. Fortunately, it seemed quite effective. The white bone bullet sunk into the door, bringing delight to Charles.

Charles was about to fire a salvo of shots when a mist of blood abruptly covered his eyes and swiftly stained the surrounding waters a crimson hue. He turned and found that a huge chunk of flesh had been torn from the red shark nearby.

The perpetrator was a clump of darkness floating in the pitch-black waters. The clump had a hideous animal face, and it was shrouded by a black mist, making it look illusory. However, its bloodshot eyes and yellowish fangs were anything but illusory.

Charles aimed his flesh revolver and fired multiple shots at the creature. However, perhaps it was because they were underwater or a unique trait of the enemy, but Charles' bullets went right through the creature's mouth and incurred no damage on it.

The attack had failed, but Charles had managed to attract the creature's attention.

The creature trembled, shaking off some of the black mist around it before rushing toward Charles with its hideous fangs bared.

Charles was at a disadvantage. He wouldn't have been afraid of this bizarre creature if they were on land, but they were in the deep sea. Charles didn't dare to fight it head-on beneath such immense pressure.

A single hole in his leather suit and he would be in big trouble.

Charles kicked his legs frantically, stirring up bubbles as he rushed upward. It was a good thing Charles wasn't alone. The nearby sharks had detected a hostile target, and they rushed toward the creature with their mouths wide open.

The jet-black waters churned as the sharks tore at the creature, but the attacks were ineffective. It seemed the creature was impervious to physical harm. The sharks were tearing it apart, but the fragmented parts would always coalesce back into a black mist.

If the sharks were a bit slower, the creature would have immediately turned the tables around and devoured the sharks.

Charles stared at the black mist with a frown when an idea popped up in his mind. A Mirrorbox appeared in his hand afterward, and he made up his mind—the creature was shrouded by a black mist, so he wanted to try vanquishing that darkness with light!

A dazzling light briefly pervaded the jet-black waters, and Charles ended up being correct. The light gradually dissipated, and the creature had vanished; Charles couldn't see anything else other than a few fangs shrouded by motes of black mists.

Are they relics? Charles asked inwardly. Underwater creatures drop relics upon death?

The curious Feuerbach picked up one of the fangs, but Charles didn't dare to stay here for much longer. He took out his Dark Blade and started prying open Door 7 from the hinges.

Soon, the door was opened after much effort from Charles. The jet-black seawater rushed into the door, completely filling up the room. However, the sight that greeted Charles and Feuerbach within the room was beyond their expectations.

Tobba had mentioned that Relic 319 was a printer, but the two couldn't find any printer in what looked like a five-square-meter room. A wooden door stood on the wall opposite them, and there was a faint red light shining above it.

"Objective, door, behind?" Feuerbach gestured with flag semaphore.

Charles' brows furrowed. Tobba hadn't said anything about how they had to open another door to reach Relic 319. Perhaps Relic 319 needed to be behind more doors as a precaution?

Feuerbach stared quietly at the frozen Charles before swimming toward the door.

However, Charles abruptly dragged him back before he could touch the door.

Surprised, Feuerbach wanted to ask questions, but he froze upon seeing Charles staring at a gigantic number that said 3. Feuerbach was convinced that the giant black number on the door said 7, so how come it had become 3?

A shiver ran down Feuerbach's spine. Feuerbach looked up and was horrified to find that the wooden door wasn't a door. It was the relic contained behind Door 3, and it had masked their vision to deceive them into entering Door 3!

"Damn it! When did it fool us?!" Charles exited the room and slammed the door shut with a darkened expression.

Feuerbach trembled imperceptibly at the thought of what could have happened if he had opened that wooden door. He wasn't sure, but he knew that it would be anything but good.

Charles swam to the third door to the left of Door 3, thinking that he would see Door 7. However, Door 7 was missing and had been replaced by Door 8 for some inexplicable reason.

Is that relic still playing tricks on us? Charles muttered while staring at the distant Door 3; its metal doors daggled hazardously due to his forceful attempt to pry it open. The room behind Door 3 was quiet; they still hadn't seen any bizarre monsters or strange sights in the room. The more peaceful it was, the more Charles found the entity behind Door 3 weird.

Perhaps the anomaly wasn't necessarily caused by Door 3.

The relic behind Door 3 seemed unable to move, so they just had to be vigilant and make sure that they wouldn't fall for its tricks.

Charles pondered briefly and pointed at the pitch-black darkness in the distance.

He wanted to know the exact length of the corridor they were in.

Feuerbach nodded and sent a shark on a mission. Soon, the shark returned and gently brushed its fins against Feuerbach to convey a message.

Feuerbach understood what the shark was trying to say, and he kept on nodding while stroking its belly.

Charles asked Feuerbach what the shark had discovered, but Feuerbach seemed hesitant. He waved his hands randomly rather than in flag semaphore. He seemed to be trying to convey his answer using body language.

He gestured and twisted for what seemed like half a day to no avail.

Flag semaphore could only convey a few simple words, so Feuerbach's decision to attempt to express his message through body language wasn't strange at all.

Regardless, Feuerbach eventually gave up. He pointed at the distance while pushing Charles to swim toward it.

Charles swam along the decaying walls, and he finally understood why Feuerbach had failed to tell him the answer. The corridor ahead of him was on an upward slope. Charles entered the slope and felt the water pressure decrease drastically.

Looking ahead of him, Charles spotted a faint white line twisting with the waves—it was the surface.

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