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Chapter 168

Eat Me

The majority of people who Mu Yu could speak to weren’t humans. Dragons didn’t speak humanity’s language; they had their own language. Thus, Mu Yu was surprised he understood it. More importantly, how was he supposed to rescue such a large creature in the presence of so many Primordial Infant Realm cultivators? He already had a batch stalking him. Fleeing with a dragon in tow? Yeah right.

The Primordial Infant Realm cultivators followed the dragon’s line of sight and spotted Mu Yu. They blustered, “Get lost, Kiddo!”

The cultivators unleashed another assault on the dragon. Seeing its tail almost lopped off, one of them cautioned, “Careful not to kill it!”

“Help!” the dragon cried.

“Do we have to save it?” Xiaoshuai asked.

A bearded man swung an axe at the dragon vine as it ran to Mu Yu, slamming Mu Yu aside.

The bearded man brayed, “Get lost if you don’t want to die!”

“Sorry, I was just passing by, haha.”

Mu Yu sensed a powerful aura closing in. The individual approaching was a Body Severing Realm adept from Floating Celestial Island.

“Help me!”

The dragon called out to Mu Yu precisely because it could sense his ability to hide in his trees, but rescuing the dragon was a daunting task to say the least. His preference to steer clear of trouble had been emphasised enough, but so had his love for plants.

Mu Yu: I can fuse with the dragon vine! They’ll capture it and take it into Floating Celestial Island! Plus, I’ll be able to save the dragon vine. That’s two birds with one stone.

Mu Yu whispered to the dragon, “Eat me.”

“Say what?” Xiaoshuai remarked.

“Eat me.”

The dragon vine dawdled. In the end, it mustered up its last ounce of strength to devour Mu Yu. The bearded man cried, “Run!”

The dragon let out one last whimper after devouring Mu Yu before keeling over on the ground.

Xiaoshuai grumbled, “This is extremely risky. If they melt you, we’ll be dead meat!”

“If my conjecture is correct, they’re going to auction it at Floating Celestial Island. We scored ourselves a free ticket in.”

The Body Severing Realm adept landed next to the dormant dragon vine. Though the adept was in his fifties, his vigour was equivalent to that of a youth’s. An aloof maiden in her twenties accompanied him. Dressed in pink, she emitted the aura of a Primordial Infant Realm cultivator.

A Primordial Infant Realm guard related, “Elder Ji, Miss Beiya, the dragon vine devoured a Golden Core Realm cultivator before it went down.”

Brushing off a Golden Core Realm cultivator’s demise, Elder Ji stated, “Since it has evolved into a dragon, its value needs to reappraised. I will report to Master you performed excellently.”

“Elder Ji, its evolution categorises it as a spiritual beast. Are we still going to auction it as a herb ingredient?” queried Miss Beiya, swaying her hips at the same time and taking the breath away from the men.

“Wow, Rou Anna’s assets are a flat plain compared to hers,” Xiaoshuai muttered, while Mu Yu checked his hand.

“Master will call the shots. We’ll be taking it from here. We’ll see what happens at tomorrow’s auction.” Elder Ji blasted energy from his sleeve and trapped the dragon vine. He flew off to Floating Celestial Island with it, while Miss Beiya and the others followed behind.

Mu Yu surveyed the surroundings from the sky. There was an abundance of trees growing on the islands. Fake rockeries embellished the island. Flying creatures dropped in and departed. At the centre was an enormous and majestic palace situated at the centre of the island. Pavilions, halls and various other buildings were built around the palace. The surrounding structures were hidden among the fake rockeries in trees. One could see corners of the buildings through the green canopies, exhibiting a refreshing design. Water from the island’s lake flowed around the rockeries and buildings, allowing for creatively-designed stone bridges to connect them. Put the scene together, and one would see a small waterfall forming from the water flowing down into the lake.

The design and tracks for the flow of water were representative of wealth in more ways than one. Besides the aesthetics, the amount of spiritual stones required to keep the island hovering in the sky was representative of insurmountable opulence.

Elder Ji took Mu Yu to an eloquent hall. The leader of the trio waiting underneath the willow tree in the large courtyard was a middle-aged gentleman in a golden silk robe. Perhaps he lived in too much comfort; he was rather plump.

Elder Ji carefully set down the dragon vine and bowed his head. “I have returned, Master.”

“This is the dragon vine that has evolved?” questioned the plump man, or rather, Huai Bawan, smiling gleefully.

Huai Baiwan’s daughter, Miss Beiya admonished, “Father, look at you.”

“Beiya, you can’t blame me. Do you know what the most mysterious spiritual beast in the world is? Dragons. Dragons are the final form of spiritual beasts’ evolution cycle. You can count on two hands the number of spiritual beasts capable of evolving into a dragon at present. Do you realise how hard it was for the dragon vine to evolve into a dragon?” Huai Baiwan explained with his lips stretched to his ears.

Xiaoshuai scratched his claws. “I’ll have this fatty know my final form isn’t a dragon. Dragons are as worthless as chicken eggs.”

“What’s your final form, then?” Mu Yu inquired.

“Me? I go from handsome to even more handsome. You wouldn’t believe just how hands-”

“Small rodent,” the dragon vine suddenly stated.

“Who are you calling a small rodent?!” Xiaoshuai fumed as he scratched the dragon vine.

“You’re finally awake,” Mu Yu commented.

“Help me.”

“Is that all you can say?” Xiaoshuai chided.

“Rat,” mocked the dragon vine.

“You wanna go, do you?” Xiaoshuai bit the dragon vine, causing the latter to shudder.

“You and you, put a sock in it. Save your energy so that we can escape,” Mu Yu scolded as he pulled Xiaoshuai’s mouth.

Upon hearing the dragon vine howl, those outside heaped praise, oblivious to the conversation taking place within.

Huai Bawan ordered, “Lock it up for now. Notify the world we will auction it in five days’ time.”

“Are you sure you want to sell it, Father?”

“Beiya, the chances of anyone taming a dragon that has developed intelligence is next to none. If you think Earth Sovereign Sect could, you’re in denial. Their pride is their life; they refuse to bow to humans. In addition, I heard they never let go of a grudge once they’ve harboured one. What’s the point in us raising it? Just consider yourself fortunate to have seen one. We’re in the business sector; we’re supposed to trade things for money. I’m sure we’ll create waves if the world finds out we’re auctioning a dragon. We’re after the fame and reputation it’ll bring us. Reputation takes precedence over a dragon for businesses. We’re better off investing our time in effort in drafting a plan to make the most out of this,” Huai Baiwan expounded, tapping his fingers out of habit whenever he engaged his brain.

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