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Chapter 323


“Sorry, Shifu, I do not know why the white ape fiend king wants to settle some grudge from four thousand years ago. I coincidentally bumped into him and wanted to seal the spirit lord’s power in Qiao Xue. I did not embroil us in more trouble, did I?”

Feng Haochen cracked a smile. “It’s fine. You didn’t do anything wrong. Qiao Xue’s matter is far more important than the grudge.”

“Shifu, what is the grudge about? You were not born yet at the time. Why is he part of it all of a sudden?”

“You’ll find out later on. Don’t worry. He can’t harm me.”

Mu Yu fought the urge to pry and left. On his way out, he bumped into Xiang Nan. Xiang Nan leaned into Mu Yu’s ear and stated, “How was Hell on Earth? Second Brother said it was quite the place.”

“Third Brother, I would’ve let you go if I knew what I was in for.”

“Yeah, yeah, I bet you found flowers to pluck there.” Lie Shang came out from a corner and gave Mu Yu an accusative stare.

“Why did you make me go if you love it so much?”

“If you can’t even handle that much, how are you going to resist the spirit lords? I was giving you a chance to train your mental fortitude. Don’t tell me you already fell.”

“I’d love to let an axe kick fall on your head!”

They enjoyed some peaceful time while waiting for the pieces to come together. Ximen Buxing dropped by to notify them Xie Bulao would visit in five days’ time.

Mu Yu learnt that he was the most notorious among his cohorts despite being the weakest. Lie Shang was practically unknown despite having been at Third Heaven for four years.

In regards to the elemental demons, Lie Shang and Cheng Yan found one of their bases nearby Mist City. Their main base’s location was still unknown. Mu Yu’s story of how he left Moyun Mountains rendered Feng Haochen speechless. He had to admit the elemental demons were intelligent and innovative.

Lying in Xiang Nan’s hammock, Mu Yu asked Ku Mu, “You sure you don’t want me to come along?”

Ku Mu hadn’t spoke for days out of spite. He said he had to go and pick up something, hence Mu Yu’s question. He kept walking and replied, “I’m not a child.” Moments later, he came running back to kick Mu Yu and scolded, “Still sleeping? Get moving!”

Mu Yu yawned. “Didn’t you say you didn’t need me to come along?”

“Shut up and do as you’re told!”

“Fine, fine, fine.” Mu Yu ambled behind after stretching his back out.

The reason Ku Mu called Mu Yu to come along was at the door.

“Uncle, why did you run so fast? I can’t keep up!” Wanwan was all smiles.

“Pfft!” Mu Yu quickly covered his mouth and whispered, “Gramps, just accept her. You might be able to conquer her. You can then try to set her straight.”

Whack! Ku Mu swatted Mu Yu’s head. “Can you set Xiaohong straight?”

Mu Yu shivered and never commented again.

It infuriated Ku Mu to have Wanwan following them everywhere, but Mu Yu couldn’t drive her off.

Ku Mu led Mu Yu to a serene medical clinic on Three Kilometres Street. The place was named Qing Yu.

Medical clinics were commonplace given how hot headed cultivators were. Sure, they could help themselves with some problems. Still, some problems required help from others, especially wounds that fiend beasts inflicted because there was poison. Alchemists could help, but they’d need deep pockets. Alchemists who focused on curing and treating definitely existed.

“Why are we at a medical clinic?” Mu Yu questioned.

Ku Mu strolled in. As expected, the strong smell of spiritual herbs filled the clinic. There were labelled draws and draws of herbs. There was a man bleeding profusely on his arm. His face was pale, and his eyes were shut. The wound carried a tinge of purple. The claw marks were from a fiend beast – most likely.

“It’s a blind net lizard’s poison. This will require seven year herb and martial bamboo root. Xiaomin, do we have those two herbs?” the male doctor asked, protecting the wound with light-blue spiritual energy.

Both of them were famous doctors at Twenty-Five Kilometres South Garden. Ji Zitang’s wife’s name was Gu Xiaomin. The two of them were around thirty years old. The two were Primordial Infant Realm cultivators and specialists at treating wounds accumulated during fights with fiend beasts or other cultivators. The majority of people who fiend beasts harmed whilst hunting visited Qing Yu.

“I’ll go check.” As Gu Xiaomin passed Ku Mu, she turned back and said, “If you two have any injuries, please give us a moment to finish with our current patient.”

Ku Mu found himself a seat, and let Gu Xiaomin fumble through the draws. Wanwan left with her brows together when they entered the clinic. Maybe she wasn’t fond of the smell.

“Zitang, we’re out of seven year old herb!”

“We’re out? Hurry to Hundred Herb Hall to see if they have any in stock. He’s been infected for twenty hours already. He only has another four hours!”

“I’ll go now!”

“Don’t waste your time. You can substitute it with green wave ice thunder herb and golden flame willow leaf,” Ku Mu remarked.

Gu Xiaomin stopped and turned. “How do you know?”

“Experiments.” Ku Mu glanced over to Mu Yu, leading to Mu Yu’s eyes flying open.

“Are you certain? I have never heard of those two herbs.”

“Try it out. Judging from the colour of his wounds, I doubt he even has an hour left. You won’t make it back in time.”

As she was nervous, Mu Yu prompted, “You can trust him because I suffered from the same poison once. An old, stuttering, youth-hating old man poisoned me. I promise he’s right.”

Ku Mu’s scary glare came again.

“Xiaomin, what did you grab those two herbs for?” fumed Ji Zitang.

“The two over there said we could neutralise the poison with these two. I know I’ve seen one of them somewhere before. I think he’s right.”

“Are they the doctors or us? We’ve never tried this before. We can’t afford to be wrong. Go and purchase a seven-year-old herb!”

“Mu Yu, go and handle it.”

Mu Yu shook his head in disbelief and walk over. “Move, move, he has no time to waste.”

“What are you doing?! Don’t get in our way!”

Mu Yu shoved Ji Zitang aside and grabbed the two herbs from Gu Xiaomin. He crushed the two to powder, then grabbed the martial bamboo root and juiced it to mix the three together. The addition of the golden flame willow leaf created a rancid stench. Mu Yu turned the golden powder to liquid and gently stirred it. He spread the golden liquid onto the wound. The liquid slowly seeped into the wound, staunching the bleeding to replenishing blood. The victim’s breathing also steadied.

“Done. He should come to in about four to six hours.” Mu Yu dusted his hands and went back to his seat.

“You two are…” Ji Zitang scanned Mu Yu and then Ku Mu. “Y-you are Owner Ku Mu?!”

Mu Yu turned his head to Ku Mu with an eyebrow tugged up.

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