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Chapter 672

Grandpa Meng (Part 2)

What? Why would someone from Life and Death Sect be Granny Mengs twin?

Its a long story that Id rather not recall.

A romance between Ghost Gate and Life and Death Sect is quite innovative. I thought you lot were heartless until now.

Hmph! She was only after my soul. Thanks to our corpse-control skill, I can still live on even as just a corpse. With that said, it still cant compare to living as a living man.

Ghost Gates idea of a twin was a soul. Life and Death Sects idea of a twin was a corpse that they controlled. The procedure to produce their twins was identical.

Okay, so where are we?

This place is called Twins Corpse Ocean, a dump for twins corpses. Unless they are dumped here, their cultivation during their lifetime cant be sustained. Nobody from Ghost Gate dares to venture here for the reason that the souls with their consciousness suppressed will rise and fight for control over the body. Not even that wench dares to set foot in here. If she does, Ill murder her!

You can?

Of course I can! thundered Grandpa Meng. As long as I can retrieve my arms and reattach them, I can leave this place to take back my soul and return to life!

If I could beat her, I wouldnt have fled here.

You have death qi. I can help you sneak in as long as you agree to my request.

And how do I help you?

Take me to the other side of the bridge, and help me kill her using your death qi. After that, Ill help you.

How do I get your out of here?

Overlay my corpse qi with your death qi, and Ill be able to reach the stone platform.

And what if you turn your back on me after I help you?

She wont let you off if you go out. You can choose to stay here for eternity or trust me.

Let me think about it, Mu Yu demanded, retreating to the edge of the stone platform.

Whats the call? Are we going to ally with him? Xiaoshuai communicated via Gentle Wind Interlinked Hearts Formation?

Life and Death Sect cant be trusted any more than Ghost Gate, the dragon vine opined.

We dont have a choice. Xiaoshuai, how much do you know about their skill?

No clue. This is my first time seeing someone live without their soul. Its my first time hearing of someone separate their soul and consciousness to sustain life.

What about this place? Given its importance, would destroying this place be the equivalent of amputating one of Ghost Gates limps?

Theres an immense energy guarding this sinister place, ensuring the skeletons wont decay. Thats why we cant destroy this place. She wouldnt have allowed us to barge in here, otherwise, stated Xiaoshuai, sniffing the air.

You done thinking? voiced Grandpa Meng, letting the skeletons move a tad.

Fine. However, you must let me cast a formation on you in case you decide to backstab me. Worse comes to worse, well both kick the bucket.

Hmph. Once Mu Yu planted an explosion pill inside him and cast a lightning formation on him, Grandpa Meng remarked, Your formation skills are very advanced.

To reiterate: Im helping you escape. Youre going to help me sneak in. If you dont harm me, Ill uphold my end of the deal.

Im not as unscrupulous as them. I have my principles.

With the pact approved on both sides, Mu Yu coated Grandpa Meng in death qi and returned to the stone platform.

I told you: you must drink my soup if you wish to cross the bridge, repeated Granny Meng.

Given how you lied to your man, amputated his arms and dumped him in Twins Corpse Ocean, Im inclined to not trust you. Have you never repented even once?

My husband and I are in love! What tripe are you blithering?!

Really now? Is this your idea of love? questioned Grandpa Meng, emerging wearing death qi.

H-how are y-. Impossible!

The corpse qi kept me alive. Isnt it time you return my arms and soul to me?

You have no right to make any demands of me! screamed Granny Meng, dousing herself in ghost qi to bridge the gap because she knew she couldnt fight Grandpa Meng using her soul.

Kid, lend me your death qi. Dont let her absorb my corpse qi.

Mu Yu reluctantly went along with the strategy. Grandpa Meng manipulated the death qi into arms. The death qi instantly put Granny Meng on the back foot.

You would collude with an outsider to hurt me?!

Had I not lowered my guard, would you have been able to kill me? How about I replace you with my twin since you destroyed mine?! jibed Grandpa Meng, confining Granny Meng in death qi.

Why isnt there as much as a tremor or sound when the two of them are going at tit for tat? pondered Mu Yu.

Aaaaah! Granny Meng shrilled.

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