Take My Breath Away

Chapter 277 Jared And Sasha
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"Hayden, do you know how Debbie managed to get married to Mr. Huo?" Portia asked angrily. She hated that Debbie could easily live a life that she had dreamed of. 'And he spoils her so much. Everyone in Y City...no...in the world knows Debbie is Mrs. Huo and how much Mr. Huo loves her.

She must have saved the world in her previous life. What else could explain her never ending streak of luck?' Portia thought to herself in dismay. Not long ago, she had dreamed of marrying Carlos. But then, he had made his confession to Debbie in public at the expo.

Exasperated by her outburst, Hayden tried to coax his sister, "It doesn't matter how she managed to become Mrs. Huo. It has nothing to do with you. Mr. Huo will never marry you. Just go back home and behave yourself. If you don't, he has many ways to wipe you out. Portia, I'm your brother. I don't want to see you get hurt. So, don't do anything stupid."

With her arms crossed over her chest, Portia sneered and retorted stubbornly, "Behave myself? And did you behave yourself? If you had, then Mr. Huo wouldn't have dealt a blow to the Gu Group and it wouldn't have been at risk now. Even you allowed your emotions to get the better of you. You are not qualified to lecture me about the way I behave!"

"Debbie and I used to be lovers. What about you and Mr. Huo? You two are not even on friendly terms with each other. Yes, he did attend the fashion show and the expo with you. But that doesn't mean he has a thing for you. Otherwise, he wouldn't have shut you out of the entertainment circle without any mercy. He is ruining your career for Debbie's sake, and he doesn't give a shit about it."

Hayden took a sip of the water to moisten his sore throat and then continued, "Do you still believe that you are somehow special to him? If you two meet on the street, he won't even cast a glance at you." Hayden knew how cold and uncaring Carlos was.

He also knew how much Carlos spoiled Debbie.

He loved Debbie to the core of his being, and wouldn't give her up for the world; he knew that now. He didn't want his sister to feel the same pain as he did. Not to mention, Carlos and Portia were merely strangers. He didn't think Portia loved Carlos. He knew his sister well—she loved Carlos' money and power.

"NO! I AM special to Mr. Huo. I'm sure he has a thing for me. The

Did you know that?"

The news didn't come as a surprise to Debbie. About ten days after she had gone to England, Sasha had given her a call to ask her how Jared had initially formed his relationships with his ex-girlfriends.

And what had Debbie told Sasha back then?

She had told Sasha that Jared had slept with all of them first and then gotten into relationships with them. Debbie had also warned her against falling in love with Jared because he was a playboy and had too many ex-girlfriends.

Jared was a loyal friend, but he was a terrible boyfriend.

Debbie was curious to know what had happened between Jared and Sasha, so she asked, "I thought you didn't like her. You even called her 'a pest.' How did you two get together?"

"I know how that happened, Tomboy," Kristina chipped in before Jared could answer.

He tried to stop Kristina from saying it, but she hid behind Kasie's back and said in a hurry, "He slept with Sasha, and he had to take responsibility for it."

Kasie nodded and added, "I guess their first time was really amazing, because he slept with her again soon after. I believe he has fallen in love with her because of the mind-blowing sex."

'Sasha is still in her early adulthood, yet Jared slept with her! More than once!'

The news hit Debbie like a thunderbolt. She was stunned for a while, and then shouted angrily, "Jared Han, you are dead meat! I'm gonna beat you to a pulp today, and then I will break off all ties with you. How dare you do this to Sasha!" She was so irritated by his playboy behavior.

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