Take My Breath Away

Chapter 370 An Evening Show
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"Good. I emailed you the setlist. Please inform the sponsor and make sure the backing tracks and light shows are ready. I'm not fussy about the clothes, so I'll try them on then before the concert," Debbie said.

Ruby nodded although Debbie couldn't see it. "How's the new album coming along? Done yet? Maybe we could make a special pressing for the concert?" she asked.

"Not yet. I've been depressed for a bit. So no new songs yet." Leaning back in the chair, Debbie closed her eyes wearily.

"What? Never mind. I'll be in Y City tonight. Catch you later."

"Okay, bye."

Debbie hung up and opened her Weibo app to check the comments. She wanted to know what her fans were saying. She had a lot of followers on Weibo. Most of them were stans of her music. But like any industry, she attracted a plethora of haters as well.

Some of the comments were vicious. And the commenters had been at it for quite a while, with threads literally thousands of comments long. Debbie couldn't stand it anymore. It was high time the truth came out. The concert was her big chance.

When the nurse called her number, Debbie quickly came to the exam room, where a friendly doctor greeted her with a smile. It was Niles. Small world.

"We meet again!" Niles observed. Even in the plain white uniform, he looked upbeat and attractive.

Debbie sighed inwardly. "I was in a car accident and got into a headbutting contest with my steering wheel. So I'd like to find out if there's anything to be worried about."

The doctor nodded, agreeing to her request. After a few questions, he reassured her, "Nothing serious. I'll prescribe some ointment. When you get home, you can roll an egg on it, or an ice pack. It'll help with the pain and swelling."

"Got it. Thanks." Debbie was about to leave the office and head straight to the cashier's to pay the bill. She reached out her hand to pull out her patient's card and the registration receipt, but Niles put his hand on the card and asked, "Does Carlos know?"

"Yeah, he does," she answered casually. "It was his car I crashed into."

"You did what? With all the heavy traffic on our roads, you just crashed into his. What a coincidence!

excited the audience. But Debbie's loyal fans whispered amongst themselves, "Mr. Huo is here. Are they back together?"

The fans who hated Debbie said, "Dammit, how are we gonna throw the eggs? What if Mr. Huo gets in the middle of it?"

Next, the fans were going to request songs. This was a rare thing that gained popularity in recent months.

So rather than try and defuse a delicate situation, or inadvertently bring a hater up onstage, she chose Kasie as the lucky fan.

Kasie raised her hand. Debbie pretended not to know her. She smiled at her and asked, "Miss, what song would you like to hear?"

A mic was passed to Kasie. As Debbie's best friend, she climbed onto the stage excitedly. "Debbie, we've been friends for a long time, but this is my first time at one of your concerts. I'm so sorry."

The whole venue quieted down. Debbie hadn't expected Kasie to say that. It was spontaneous.

Kasie thrust the lilies she was holding into Debbie's arms. Her eyes were red. "We haven't seen each other for three years. I wasn't a good friend. This is your first concert in Y City and I have to be here for you. I want you as a friend forever. I love you, Tomboy!"

They hugged each other. "I love you too. You guys might recognize this one. It's called 'Miss You in Winter'..." Before Debbie could finish her sentence, screams rang throughout the venue.

She smiled, "Yeah, this song is about my best friend. Kasie, this song's for you."

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