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Chapter 79

After declaring Baek Cheon-Sang as the martial arts tournament’s winner, the patriarchs proceeded to vote that evening with the two overseers attending. The voting was done by show of hands, so they could immediately determine who was in favor and who was against the candidate. Great Monk Gong Seon, the overseer in charge of the votes, spoke to the leaders of the Ten Clans.

“We will now proceed with the voting to elect an alliance leader. As overseers, I and the Putuo Sword Sect’s matriarch will confirm and attest to the outcome of this election. Now then, if you are in favor of electing Patriarch Baek Cheon-Sang, the martial art tournament winner, as the leader of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance, please raise your hand.”

At Great Monk Gong Seon’s instructions, several patriarchs immediately raised their hands, starting with Cheon-Sang and followed by Jeong Won-Hyo, Jo Jin-Myeong, Tae Gong-Pyo, Kang Won-Hee, and Yong Gun-Seong. Excluding the Byeok Sword Manor’s patriarch, the other clan leaders became wary of the situation and quickly showed their hands when the votes exceeded the majority. As a result, Cheon-Sang was successfully elected as the alliance leader.

With Cheon-Sang now confirmed to be the alliance leader, the center of power would shift toward the Baek Sword Sect. There was no need to vote against him, which could lead to them falling out of his favor, just to maintain loyalty to the Byeok Sword Manor. Their votes would not have affected the result of Cheon-Sang’s election anyway, so it could still be seen as a show of loyalty to Byeok Cheol-Gun. Only Cheol-Gun, the Byeok Sword Manor’s patriarch, did not raise his hand. He knew it would not matter whether he did or not, but he refused to acknowledge Cheon-Sang as the alliance leader.

“Nine clan leaders have voted to elect Patriarch Baek Cheon-Sang as the alliance leader! In accordance with the voting method’s rule, I hereby announce Baek Cheon-Sang as the Zhejiang Martial Alliance Leader! Congratulations on becoming the alliance leader.”


Great Monk Gong Seon made an official announcement and congratulated him. Jeong Ryeo-Gun and the other patriarchs congratulated him as well.

“Thank you, everyone.” Cheon-Sang stood up and bowed to the other clan leaders.

“Don’t you have some sort of speech as the Zhejiang Martial Alliance Leader?” Won-Hyo asked.

The other party leaders nodded in agreement and stared at Cheon-Sang.

“First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you for supporting my goal to become the alliance leader despite my shortcomings. As its leader, I aim to work for the entire Zhejiang Martial Alliance, not for the Baek Sword Sect alone. For our organization to grow, however, we have to unite. Hence, I hope all the esteemed clan leaders do their part in unifying the Zhejiang Martial Alliance and turning it into a group that helps one another with faith rather than doubt.”

“We will trust each other and follow your leadership, Alliance Leader.”

“I trust that you will lead us well, Alliance Leader.”

When Cheon-Sang finished his speech, the various patriarchs gave words of support and encouragement. In this situation where everyone was uniting, only Cheol-Gun did not mingle with them. Rather, he simply sat in silence. His behavior bothered Cheon-Sang. He was still human, and Cheol-Gun, who tried to associate him with the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, offended him.

However, if he turned a blind eye to Cheol-Gun for personal reasons, he wouldn’t be qualified to lead the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. A leader should always be capable of embracing even those opposing them. Above all, for the Zhejiang Martial Alliance to truly become strong, all the Ten Clans had to work side by side.

“Patriarch Byeok! You likely think I am not good enough to be the Zhejiang Martial Alliance Leader. Hence, I won’t ask you to support me now. In return, instead of unconditionally opposing my leadership, please objectively watch over me. If you still think I’m inadequate for the position afterward, please feel free to give your blunt opinion on it. For our alliance’s sake, I’d be more than willing to listen to you, Patriarch Byeok. Moreover, we desperately require the Byeok Sword Manor’s power for the Zhejiang Martial Alliance to reach greater heights. Even if you do not like me, I hope you will join hands with me for the alliance’s sake.”

Cheon-Sang placed himself in a lower position and reached out to Cheol-Gun. When Cheon-Sang broadmindedly reached out, Cheol-Gun could no longer hold his ground. Unless he planned to leave the Zhejiang Martial Alliance altogether, he had no choice but to join hands with Cheon-Sang.

“I understand what you mean. As you’ve said, Alliance Leader, I will prioritize the Zhejiang Martial Alliance over my own personal feelings.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

Seeing Cheon-Sang trying to embrace Cheol-Gun instead of rejecting him made the other patriarchs realize Cheon-Sang was qualified to become the Zhejiang Martial Alliance leader not only in terms of martial prowess but also in character.

“We’ve just elected the Zhejiang Martial Alliance Leader, making this day historical! We can’t just let this chance pass by, can we?” the Iron Palm Sect’s Dam Hwa-Seong said.

“Well said. Don’t you think we should drink until we drop tonight?” Mei Jong-Hak rejoiced.

“You’re only saying that because you want to drink, don’t you?” Yong Gun-Seong of the Draconic Tiger Gang joked and teased Jong-Hak, who loved drinking.

“Haha, that’s partly the reason. Who will be paying for the alcohol today, though?”

“Shouldn’t the newly elected alliance leader naturally pay for the drinks?”

“Haha, alright. I will pay for the drinks today, so enjoy the night to your heart’s content, everyone.”

“Can we go to the most expensive brothel in Hangzhou, then?”

“Of course. Let’s go,” Cheon-Sang replied.

“You can’t go back on your words later, okay?”

“Don’t worry. I will pay for it even if I have to borrow money.”

“Now, now! Let’s go before the alliance leader changes his mind.” Hwa-Seong urged the other patriarchs.

“Aren’t we just doing whatever strikes our mood, though? It will be difficult for Great Monk Gong Seon and Lady Jeong to join us,” Won-Hyo said while looking in the direction of the two overseers.

“Hoho, don’t worry about us and just go.”

“Yes, today’s event is for the Zhejiang Martial Alliance, so don’t pay us any heed.”

Great Monk Gong Seon and Ryeo-Gun responded, hoping that the others would not feel pressured to include them.

“I apologize, but please excuse us today. I will be sure to treat you on a separate occasion,” Cheon-Sang said with an apologetic look.

“Hoho, it’s really fine. Go ahead and have fun.” With a benevolent expression, Great Monk Gong Seon waved his hand, gesturing for them to go quickly.

The patriarchs went outside, leaving the overseers behind. They headed to the West Lake House, the best brothel in Hangzhou.


Cheol-Gun went together with them to the West Lake House, but unlike the other patriarchs, he could not enjoy his time there in comfort. After all, he knew the Hangzhou Merchant Company would not stay still now that the Byeok Sword Manor failed to become the Zhejiang Martial Alliance leader.

As expected, when he returned to the Byeok Sword Manor after drinking until late at night, the Hangzhou Merchant Company’s Jang Hyun-Chul was already waiting for him with a cold expression.

“You seem to be living the life, Patriarch Byeok. Seeing you like this could make one think that you have become the Zhejiang Martial Alliance Leader,” Hyun-Chul sarcastically remarked as soon as he saw Cheol-Gun.

“I know very well how you feel, but please give it a rest. Do you think I wanted this to happen?” Cheol-Gun did not like Hyun-Chul’s attitude toward him, but he was at fault too. Hence, he suppressed his anger and spoke nicely.

“So? Considering our current situation, do you expect me to just stay still and accept it because it can’t be helped?”

“What I mean to say is that nothing good will come from dealing with this emotionally.”

“Let’s have a rational conversation, then. Do you know how much the Hangzhou Merchant Company has invested in the Byeok Sword Manor so far?”

“Over 600,000 silver nyang, if I remember correctly.”

It was only 400,000 nyang until the Byeok Sword Manor borrowed an additional 200,000 nyang to win over the Kang Household and the Draconic Tiger Gang for the alliance leader election. As a result, the amount the Byeok Sword Manor had to pay back reached a total of 600,000 nyang.

“We, the Hangzhou Merchant Company, provided you with 600,000 silver nyang because we believed that the Byeok Sword Manor would become the Zhejiang Martial Alliance Leader. However, you failed to meet our expectations. That leaves us no choice but to take our money back.”

“What do you mean by that? You want to take back your money?”

“It is just as I said. I will give you two months. I’m considering your circumstances and giving you this much time because we are in-law. Return 600,000 silver nyang to us in two months.”

“No, wait. How do you expect me to repay all that money in two months?”

“That’s for you to figure out. If you fail to return our 600,000 silver nyang in two months, you will have to forfeit the land and buildings the Byeok Sword Manor possesses.”

“What kind of nonsense is that? Let’s try to find another way instead of doing this,” Cheol-Gun pleaded.

“There is no other way. Your only other option is to become the Zhejiang Martial Alliance Leader.”

“An alliance leader has already been elected. How do you expect me to get that position?”

“If an accident happens to the Zhejiang Martial Alliance Leader, won’t you have another chance?”

There was no way Cheon-Sang would suddenly be met with an accident. Rather, Hyun-Chul was implying Cheon-Sang should be gotten rid of through a staged accident.

“You want me to...”

Cheol-Gun couldn’t bring himself to finish his sentence, having fully understood what Hyun-Chul meant. Instead, he just stared at Hyun-Chul.

“I don’t intend to force you if you don’t want to. If you don’t want to do it, then just return 600,000 silver nyang to us within two months,” Hyun-Chul said, indicating that he had nothing to lose.

“Ehem...” Cheol-Gun gulped.

In one corner of his heart, he honestly desired to fake an accident and get rid of Cheon-Sang just as Hyun-Chul suggested so he could become the Zhejiang Martial Alliance Leader. However, if things were to go wrong and he failed, he could lose everything he had achieved so far. Even if he succeeded, it would be hard to avoid the doubt of others.

The problem was that it was almost impossible to get 600,000 silver nyang within two months. If he could not get rid of Cheon-Sang and failed to become the Zhejiang Martial Alliance Leader, the Hangzhou Merchant Company could take away all of the assets that the Byeok Sword Manor had amassed so far. That would ultimately ruin the Byeok Sword Manor’s finances, leaving them with insufficient money to maintain their combat forces.

In a nutshell, that would mean the end of the Byeok Sword Manor. If so, then he was left with a single option: somehow get rid of Cheon-Sang and become the Zhejiang Martial Alliance Leader.

However, eliminating Cheon-Sang wasn’t easy either. Even if he could mobilize all of the Byeok Sword Manor’s martial artists, it didn’t mean he could order them to do anything. He could only mobilize the members who would do anything for the sake of the Byeok Sword Manor to accomplish a task as wicked as getting rid of Cheon-Sang.

At most, less than a hundred would be willing to carry out such a mission. There wouldn’t be enough of them to kill Cheon-Sang, an Absolute Realm master.

“Honestly, I want to do as you say. However, killing Baek Cheon-Sang, an Absolute Realm master, with our clan’s combat power would be difficult.”

“If you’re determined to do it, I can provide help.”


“There are unaffiliated martial arts masters who are connected to the Hangzhou Merchant Company. They will do anything for money. If you intend to go through with this, I can connect you with them.”

“Do you want me to borrow money from the Hangzhou Merchant Company again?”

“Does it still matter whether it’s 600,000 nyang or 700,000 nyang, considering you won’t be able to pay it back anyway?”

Hyun-Chul’s words made Cheol-Gun smile bitterly. He was certainly right. Cheol-Gun had no other option. All he could do was borrow money from the Hangzhou Merchant Company and hire the masters to get rid of Cheon-Sang.

“Are their skills reliable?”

“Trust me.”

Hyun-Chul was confident. Cheol-Gun was bothered by his strangely twisted lips, but there was no use crying over spilled milk.

“Then, I will leave it in your care.”

“When do you plan to proceed with this important task?”

“The masters you speak of should come over first, shouldn’t they?”

“You don’t have to worry about that. I can arrange that immediately.”

“Did you perhaps anticipate the current situation and prepare in advance?”

“That’s not the case. I also believed that you would emerge victorious in the martial arts tournament. However, in the off chance that you could not, I had this plan prepared in advance.”

“Better safe than sorry, huh?”

“That’s right.”

Cheol-Gun knew that he had fallen into Hyun-Chul’s trap, but there was no going back under the current circumstances. He had no choice but to succeed no matter what. The key was when to attack Cheon-Sang. Cheon-Sang and the other patriarchs planned to stay at the Byeok Sword Manor for the next three days to discuss matters related to the Zhejiang Martial Alliance’s operations, which included the establishment of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance United Corps.

It was practically impossible to cause an accident in Hangzhou since they were all staying in the Byeok Sword Manor, leaving him no choice but to proceed with his plans once the Baek Sword Sect’s group had left Hangzhou instead. However, the Baek Sword Sect would most likely return to Wenzhou by sea. The Baek Sword Sect had a lot of experience in naval warfare, while the Byeok Sword Manor had close to no experience in it. Fighting on the sea would put the Byeok Sword Manor at a complete disadvantage.

However, traveling by sea meant they would inevitably anchor in a port city and stay the night. Taking that into consideration, he could simply go to where the Baek Sword Sect’s ship would dock ahead of them, wait for them there, and launch a surprise attack.

“We’ll set the plan in motion once the Baek Sword Sect’s group leaves Hangzhou.”

“Don’t tell me you intend to challenge them in naval warfare?”

“No. We’ll wait and attack the Baek Sword Sect’s group where they’ll stop in the middle of their voyage.”

“We will have to find out where they’ll be staying, then.”

“The Baek Sword Sect uses the Eun Merchant Group’s ship. As you likely already know, merchant groups usually decide where they’d be stopping in the middle of their voyages before they actually set sail. The Eun Merchant Group travels from Hangzhou to Wenzhou, so there are two places where they will stop by and stay the night. Xiangshan and Taizhou.”

“We should send some people to Xiangshan in advance, then. It won’t be easy to follow the Baek Sword Sect’s group once they leave, and that also poses the risk of getting caught.”

“I won’t be able to personally go if we do that.”

“Just send some people. I’m certain the masters I’ve prepared will take care of it.”

“You do know that Baek Cheon-Sang is an Absolute Realm master, don’t you?”

“Don’t worry. He still won’t be able to do anything against them.”

“The names of such an incredible group of masters would surely be known throughout murim. Can you tell me who they are?”

“I don’t know either. All I know is that they will move for money. They didn’t reveal their identity, but their skills are guaranteed, so don’t worry.”

Cheol-Gun felt uncomfortable about this, but it was already impossible for him to stop halfway. He could only pray that they would get rid of Cheon-Sang smoothly.

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