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"That bastard, he is such a picky eater that he ordered me to drive for hours just to pick his lunch every. single. day!" Diamond rolled her eyes to show the amount of bullshit she had to take every day to ensure her boss would stop being a big baby.

"Eh, really?" Chloe was even more surprised. "I know he is a picky eater. But is he really that picky? He never denies any food that I serve...."

"Well, duh!" Diamond retorted. She almost slipped her words and said Vernon was in love with her homegirl. That was the reason why he always ate everything Chloe served.

"I mean-- he always makes such a big fuss every lunch whenever I don't serve him the food from a specific chef and specific restaurant. He can even taste the base seasoning and ingredients, so if something felt off in his tongue, he would spit it out and would be in a terrible mood for a whole day!" Diamond complained without hesitation, just to let out some of her frustration working with that big manchild.

"He would even make his way to basically tell me that he had a terrible lunch. Can you believe that?!"

"Ah, that's--" Chloe remembered that time when Vernon was still a kid. He would sulk, kick some stuff, or even throw something just to make noise because he wanted to make a statement.

Usually, that statement involved Chloe. Either Chloe simply had no time to cook for little Vernon, or she was too busy studying, so she couldn't visit the mansion.

Then the young master would give headaches to all maids and butlers in the mansion.

'I didn't expect him to keep that habit to his adult life,' Chloe thought.

Diamond judged Chloe's expression and asked, "Gurl, don't tell me that he never showed that kind of habit in front of you?"

"He did-- when he was seven to ten years old," Chloe replied. "But he never showed me that kind of habit now, at least as much as I remember."

"Oh, for fuck sake!" Diamond cursed as she felt emotional pain right now.

So it was true, that big manchild tried to act like an adult in front of Chloe, but showed his true self to anyone other than Chloe.

That was so fucking UNFAIR!

Diamond wanted to punch her boss' face if she could. Unfortunately, she was still employed by him, so she could only punch that bastard in the face in her imagination.


The elevator door slid open right before Chloe and Diamond could chat more.

The situation became a little tense when Vernon walked out of the elevator. He seemed to be in a terrible mood; his aura was gloomy, and the dark bags under his hawk-like eyes showed everything.

Chloe realized that Vernon lacked sleep because he had a wonderful night with a woman. She got a little concerned and said, "Vernon, you look tired. Why don't you sleep more--"

Vernon glared at Chloe, waiting for her to finish her sentence. But Chloe quickly deflated as she got glared at.

She remembered Vernon disliked her peskiness, so she zipped her lips and lowered her head.

Diamond was also uncomfortable with the tense atmosphere, so she kept silent until Vernon walked past them.

"Diamond, come to my office. I want to hear the report," Vernon said.

"Yes, Boss."

With that, Vernon entered his office and closed the door.

They were silent for a while until Chloe held Diamond's hand and encouraged her, "You can do it, Diamond. Vernon is just lacking sleep. Just make sure that you won't suddenly make him explode."

"Ahaha... thanks for the encouragement, gurl...." Diamond let out a dry laugh because she knew that her report would probably enrage him even more.

"Alright then, I'm off to the battlefield," Diamond said as she braced herself to face the devil.


Vernon sat in his executive seat in a daze. He rubbed his eyes a few times to ward off the drowsiness.

"Fuck, do I need to drink even more coffee? But I already had one before going to work," Vernon murmured.

Truth be told, he felt so exhausted after what happened last night.

True, all he did was sleep, but that dream drained him physically and mentally, making him feel weak for the whole day.

He only had a few hours before he was forced to wake up as he knew he had a meeting at noon.

"Did I scare her?" Vernon asked himself. He knew that his eyes were really intimidating to everyone. When in a bad mood, he would glare at anyone in default without malicious intention.

So when he saw that Chloe looked scared and stopped speaking after one glare, Vernon felt inexplicably guilty.

'I should've treated her more gently, even if I'm in a bad mood,' Vernon thought. 'After all, I don't want to be the source of her trauma.'

'Should I apologize later then? Or maybe I should buy her something as compensation?' Vernon pondered. 'I've never seen her with an expensive dress or at least a bag-- should I buy her a bag then? Hermes? It's always the safest choice.'

His mind wandered off for a while until he heard a knock on the door, and Diamond opened the door without waiting for his answer.

Vernon glared angrily towards Diamond, "Did I allow you to enter? Who are you entering my office without permission just now?"

'Oh, here we go, another pissy day for my boss,' Diamond was trying hard not to roll her eyes out of annoyance.

She kept her professionality and approached the desk.

Vernon clicked his tongue and raised his voice, "Who do you think you are?! You're my secretary, so you better apologize!"

"Sir, I have collected all the data about the one who attacked Chloe. I also have concrete evidence in the form of CCTV footage of the attack," Diamond reported.

Vernon quickly forgot that he had been mad at Diamond a second ago. He leaned in with full interest and asked, "Okay, so who is the bitch that attacked my Chloe?"

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