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"Sir, I have collected all the data about the one who attacked Chloe. I also have concrete evidence in the form of CCTV footage of the attack," Diamond reported.

"Okay, so who is the bitch that attacked my Chloe?"

"My Chloe?" Diamond raised one brow as she found that statement to be quite amusing.

Vernon was surprised by his own statement. He was so excited to know the bitch who hurt Chloe that he accidentally slipped in his word.

"I mixed up words," Vernon tried to dodge. "I was about to call her Chloe and My sister-in-law. But I mixed both and called her My Chloe—"

"Ehh~ Sure, I guess," Diamond said, but with a teasing grin on her face. She giggled happily when she saw her boss panicking.

Vernon's cheeks were slowly painted in red hue as he got embarrassed. He cleared his throat and tried to shift back to the main topic, "I—I'm not paying you to speak about unnecessary stuff, Diamond. Just tell me, who is the culprit behind the attack? I want to ruin that bitch's life just like how she ruined my— I mean, Chloe's cheek."

The light atmosphere disappeared instantly when her boss asked about the attacker's identity.

She could and should tell him the truth.

That the attacker was definitely Chloe's close family member and based on Chloe's reaction, she still wanted to protect her family.

'I mean, that woman has four young children. Of course, it would deter Chloe from reporting the attack,' Diamond thought.

"Diamond? Why are you pursing your lips now? Tell me who the attacker is," Vernon demanded.

Diamond was considering the options. She couldn't lie, of course. Because the moment she showed the CCTV footage, her boss would automatically know that the attacker was someone close to Chloe.

,m So she had to tread this case very carefully, with the four children held at the utmost importance, because Diamond knew that would be Chloe's priority too.

Diamond knew how ruthless Vernon could be, so she asked first as a precaution;

"Sir, may I know what will you truly do once you know about the identity of the attacker?"

Vernon frowned in displeasure. He didn't understand why Diamond seemed to hesitate to name the culprit.

But if he could stay true to himself, then he would…

"I haven't thought about it. But if she's a working woman, I will make sure she gets fired, and has her savings drained until she is left homeless."

"Once she becomes homeless, I will send someone to attack her and ruin her face, ten times worse than what she did to Chloe," Vernon answered without hesitation. "Does that answer your question? Now, name the attacker, so I can execute her quickly."

Diamond sighed and shook her head, "I'm afraid I cannot give her name if you want to make her homeless, Sir."

"Why not? You've never bat an eye whenever I was doing this thing to my business rival! Why are you being so soft right now?!" Vernon raised his voice, thinking it would be enough to make Diamond submit.

But Diamond stayed firm on her ground and replied, "Because the woman who attacked Chloe is a mother of four. Yes, she has four young kids, so if you make her homeless, then those kids will—"

"—Do I look like I'd give a shit about a random kid's life?" Vernon interrupted and stated ruthlessly.

Diamond wasn't all that surprised by it, though. Her boss had so many business rivals that he wanted to take him down, and he dealt with them. Those rivals would sell their children and say they had kids to feed, so Vernon shouldn't make them go bankrupt.

But Diamond knew his weakness once she dropped this news.

"Sir, I bet you will care once I told you the attacker's family member."

"Wait—" Vernon had a hunch that he wouldn't like the next sentence uttered by Diamond. "—Don't tell me—"

Diamond nodded solemnly, "Sir, do you know if Chloe has a sister?"

Vernon was caught off guard by that question.

Because he inquired about Big sis Chloe's family long ago, when he was only fourteen years old. From his information, he knew that Chloe was raised by a conservative single mother who had a big sister who was only one year older than her.

They seemed to have a good relationship, but that was ten years ago.

Vernon was never interested in inquiring about Big sis Chloe's side of the family because he thought they were a close-knit simple family, unlike the Gray family, who was very complicated and had a lot of issues.

"So, you're saying that the attacker is… her own sister?"

"Yes, Sir. That is the only plausible explanation," Diamond said.

She took out the flash disk from her purse and booted the computer in Vernon's office.

She stuck the flash disk and opened footage she got from the head of security in that grocery store.

"You can watch it by yourself, Sir. The attacker is a woman with four children," Diamond said.

Vernon put all his attention to the screen and watched the CCTV footage.

He noticed the four little boys who suddenly rushed to Chloe, who was all alone, and they were hugging her legs and waist affectionately.

Obviously, the kids were familiar with Chloe, but their mother stormed in and started yelling at Chloe.

There was no voice in the footage, but Vernon could already see the hostility from the gesture.

The argument continued and ended with the mother of four pushing Chloe to the rack behind her and starting to attack.

Vernon clenched his fist when he saw Chloe struggle to defend herself. Chloe yanked the attacker's hair to stop the attack, making the woman even more furious.

"Stop the video," Vernon gave out a sudden order, and Diamond stopped the video.

She looked at her boss and asked, "Sir, are you sure you don't want to watch more?"

"Watch more? Just watching this movie already makes my blood boil! FUCKING HELL!"

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